
Adventure time season 9 episode 19 dailymotion
Adventure time season 9 episode 19 dailymotion

adventure time season 9 episode 19 dailymotion

She then attempts to explain to the duo why Finn cannot see Flame Princess, but in the process, Finn leaves and Jake falls asleep and starts to dream that he is a president. The next day, as Finn is going to leave to hang out with Flame Princess, he is stopped when Princess Bubblegum is standing in the doorway, causing Finn to shriek in surprise. She whispers to herself in a worried tone, "Oh Glob, I thought I'd be ready for this." Then she pulls out her diary and writes FINN + LOVE + FLAME PRINCESS. Next we see Princess Bubblegum kick open the door to her room and run to flop on her bed. Jake is confused, but is interrupted by a video chat with President Porpoise on BMO's monitor. Princess Bubblegum is distraught about this, quickly runs off, and flies away on The Morrow, forgetting the taxes. Jake then reveals in an outburst to Princess Bubblegum that he is hanging out with Flame Princess. Finn then tells Princess Bubblegum "don't inhale" while he goes up a ladder to take a shower. The two enter the tree fort, to see Princess Bubblegum broke in to collect taxes. Do not do Tier 15!" He then tells Finn that he needs a shower because he smells. He creates 15 tiers, which are a set on stairs he made on his arm with Stretchy Powers and then explains that Finn is "at Tier 1, which is hugging, but pretty soon, you'll be at Tier 2, which is smoochin'." Jake then explains about Tiers 5 and 8, using references that would apply only to Lady Rainicorn, such as "touching her horn for the very first time,"and also saying that it is "very special" and when they reach Tier 5 Jake says it is: "discovering all 15 feet of her long, beautiful stomach." When Finn points out Tier 15, Jake tells him to "stay away from that. Jake's advice is to "let things take their natural path" and he explains some "junk" about dating. Jake thinks Finn's date with Flame Princess went pretty well, but Finn does not know if the hug was okay and asks Jake for tips. They let go after a while, and then Finn and Jake walk away into the forest, saying goodbye to her. So Jake wraps Finn in tin foil, and when he is finished, Finn and Flame Princess hug, and Jake smiles oddly. Finn and Flame Princess decide to hug, but they're interrupted by Jake, who knows that Finn would be burned by her.

adventure time season 9 episode 19 dailymotion

Flame Princess thanks Finn for building her new home. After doing some tricks that Flame Princess and Jake think are funny, Jake pulls him back up on land. Flame Princess and Jake then rush to the side of the cliff and look at the water to see if Finn is alright. Then the fire accidentally spreads to the rest of his leg and Finn screams, then runs in a panic towards a nearby lake. A small fire spreads to Finn's feet, which he says does not hurt as much as it used to. The episode starts when Finn finishes building Flame Princess's house, which she loves. Princess Bubblegum tries to warn Finn why he can't engage in a relationship with Flame Princess anymore, but Finn and Jake just think she's jealous.

Adventure time season 9 episode 19 dailymotion